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Therapeutic Interactions Limited

Supporting East Midlands schools with expertise and integrity

Consultancy          Training          Counselling         Mentoring

Megan Clarke​

(Enhanced DBS)


​Megan started her career in 1983 in mainstream secondary as a humanities and special education needs teacher. She went on to teach in special schools for children with emotional and behavioural needs. Following this she taught in a pupil referral unit.

The last 20 years of her career were spent working effectively for a cross phase Behaviour Support Service. This involved individual case work with primary and secondary pupils, mentoring KS 3/4 pupils, and delivering whole school training.

During this time she became a Local Authority BILD accredited PROACT-SCIPr-UK(r) Instructor. For over 10 years she was a Principal Local Authority Instructor. Latterly as Lead Principal Instructor, she was responsible for developing effective practice within the Local Authority.   

She has considerable experience of working with class teachers and senior managers to develop positive behaviour support plans for young people, as well as whole school policy development.       

Graham Mortimer

(Enhanced DBS)


In his late 20s Graham retrained as a teacher, working in 3 different Nottingham City primary schools. He has significant leadership experience, including KS2 co-ordinator, Deputy HT, School Governor, Acting HT, and played a leading role in an Education Action Zone, working with senior leaders in a family of schools. 

In 2007 he joined a Local Authority Behaviour Support Service. This involved working in partnership with school staff such as TAs, class teachers and senior leaders. 

During this time he became a BILD accredited Local Authority PROACT-SCIPr-UK(r) instructor, and went on to become a Principal Instructor. He has extensive knowledge of positive behaviour support principles to develop effective behaviour support plans. 

His interest in behaviour and the adult/pupil relationship motivated him to qualify as a BACP accredited person-centred counsellor. 


(Packages of Support)


Hours can be used to produce intervention plans, 

​work with staff, contribute to multi-agency meetings, and telephone/MS Teams support/consultation.


Charging rate £40 or £70 per hour plus £5 per visit




1 hour consultation/meeting @ £40/hr = £40

(plus £5 per visit if in-person) = £45


1 hour pupil observation

plus 1 hour verbal feedback meeting 

(2 hours @ £40/hr) + £5 per visit = £85


1 hour pupil observation (@ £40/hr)

plus 2 hour written report (@ £70/hr)

£40 + £140 + £5 per visit = £185 



£400 for a 2 hour module, (up to 20 participants) plus £150 for each additional multiple of 10 participants)

£1250 for a 6 hour/whole day training, (including a 1 hour commissioning meeting and/or a follow-up consultation)


Examples of INSET day/staff meeting training courses:


Making Sense of Challenging Behaviour


3 x 2 hour modules which can be delivered as a 6 hour day, or individual 2 hour modules.


  • Module 1: Minimising physical intervention and use of reasonable force in schools - a safe working framework - in association with Browne Jacobson, (Nottingham City based experts in educational law).  (NB: contains no teaching of any physical interventions)

  • Module 2 : Behaviour as Communication: (planning around specific individuals who exhibit challenging behaviour)

  • Module 3 : Principles of Safety & Protection (physical, emotional, & professional)​




The Essential 3Rs

(for truly relational, inclusive practice)

Reflective  Relational  Rogerian 


Here we consider how we create and maintain a truly 'relational'  learning environment, through exploration of adult/pupil relationships, with a focus on the Rogerian/person-centred  principles of genuineness, acceptance, and empathy.

Training course can be delivered either as INSET or as a series of staff meetings. 

3Rs Pupil Intervention

Reflective  Relational  Rogerian 


​£40 per session (up to 50 minutes), plus £5 per visit.


NB: If a verbal or written summary of a 1:1 session is required, this is charged at £40 per hour.


For example: 1 hour 1:1 session, plus 1 hour feedback (verbal or written), plus £5 per visit, = £40 + £40 + £5 = £85  


Rationale: An effective 1:1 person-centred approach within educational settings to enhance the young person's self awareness and self-acceptance, thereby improving quality of life, engagement in learning, and improved outcomes. The approach combines over 30 years of high quality teaching and behaviour support work, with over 10 years of effective person-centred counselling.


  • Most effective as an integral part of a team around the child/multi-agency approach.

  • Working in a non-judgemental, person-centred approach, in the best interests of the young person.

  • Utilizing school behaviour logs to focus on significant and repeated patterns of behaviour.

  • Moving on to the individual's decision making process, (What makes us behave in the way that we do?) Exploring who controls our behaviour, (external/internal locus of control), related to self-esteem, (Whose behaviour can we control/influence?)

  • Which behaviours 'push our buttons'? Pupil/adult relationships - personal escalation curve.

  • Exploring actions that the young person might take, through informed decision making, to move their situation forward, enhance their quality of life and engagement in life and learning.  

All rights reserved. This work is protected by Copyright. No part of this work may be copied, stored, transmitted or distributed in any mode whatsoever without express prior written approval.



"You and Megan were amazing to work with and have helped us through some tricky times. We can't thank you enough for always being there and being supportive of us." â€‹Assistant Headteacher ​


"I just want to say a personal thank you for all the work you have done at school in supporting pupils and staff to understand behaviour better. On a personal level the knowledge I have gained from the consultations I have been in with you has been invaluable and has really changed a lot in our school. This has driven me to deliver whole staff training and completely overhaul the behaviour policy and approach when dealing with children showing distressed behaviours. In turn this has led our staff to see behaviour differently and react differently - which has made us a more inclusive school. Without your input I know these strategic changes would not have been made - you have made me a better SENCo and in turn the children will get better provision."​  SENDCo 


"I would like to say thank you for all the advice and support you have provided me with since I started in September, it has been really appreciated."   SENDCo 


"Thank you for all your fantastic support."  Headteacher: Sale & Davys Primary School 


"It has been an absolute pleasure to work with you over many years. Your support and advice has had such a positive impact on the children at school and is much appreciated."  SENDCo  â€‹

Get in Touch

0782 861 5052​


Graham Mortimer​​

Megan Clarke​​


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